beBold Aesthetics

Halo – Hybrid Fractional Laser

release your inner glow



turn back time

Halo Hybrid Fractional Laser

 Over time, your skin can lose its youthful glow due to sun exposure and your body’s natural aging process. Halo eliminates years of damage by precisely targeting the right depth and restoring the luminous glow you had when you were younger.

In the past, you had to choose between a procedure that offered really great results but required a lengthy recovery, or a procedure with a fast recovery but marginal results. Now with Halo you get the best of both worlds: great results with minimal downtime (7-10 days). Halo combines deep dermal rejuvenation with epidermal renewal for a combined synergistic effect you can’t get with any other treatment. Halo creates beautiful results without the downtime of more aggressive treatments.


Used To Treat

  • Discoloration
  • Sun Damage
  • Uneven Skin Tone
  • Enlarged Pores
  • Scar Revision
  • Signs of Aging

Common Treatment Locations

  • Face
  • Neck
  • Chest
  • Hands
  • Arms
  • Legs
What results can I expect?

HALO is a complete skin revitalization treatment. You will see overall improvements in your skin including a reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, reduced pore size, skin reflectivity and glow in addition to significant removal of discoloration.

What is the downtime after a treatment?

Most patients experience 7-10 days of redness and swelling that gradually resolves.

How many treatments will I need?

What’s great about Halo is that you can choose how many treatments you want! Depending on your needs, choose to have one or two more aggressive treatments or have multiple treatments that are less aggressive and achieve a similar goal over a longer period of time.

Can I still get my Botox?

Yes! We actually recommend that you do to maximize results. Just keep in mind that you can’t do either service, Botox or HALO, within two weeks of one another.

How soon will I see results?

You will see initial results between two and five days after your Halo treatment, but your skin will continue to improve over time. Most patients see the greatest pigmentary improvement in the first two to three weeks. This is followed by a dermal regeneration phase that continues to improve for months.

What should I not do after my treatment?

For the first 24 hours you should keep your skin protected (don’t worry! we arm you with instructions), but after that you should be able to go about your normal activities. After the first 24 hours your skin will begin to peel, but you will be able to put on makeup. For a facial treatment, you will see very little change on the first day. After two to three days you will develop a light bronzing appearance. By day three or four your skin will peel, revealing your new skin beneath.


Frequently Asked Questions

“Going to Chavi was the best decision ever! Not only does she have the most positive attitude, she really cares about her patients. She has a very gentle touch and knows exactly how to help. I cannot recommend BeBold enough!”  Maia Walters

“This laser is game changing. A life of acne scarring completely wiped away! It is beyond words a mircale treatment.”


Five Fast Myths

Halo is a harsh treatment for my skin, right?:

Like any laser resurfacing treatment, Halo uses heat energy to promote new collagen growth. However, the difference between Halo and some of its predecessors comes down to something called ablative resurfacing. Ablative laser treatments (the ones most people are familiar with) vaporize the outer layers of your skin to destroy cells and promote new growth. Non-Ablative lasers heat up the underlying deep layers of your skin to rejuvenate it and promote new collagen and elastin growth from the inside out.

Old laser treatments were only ablative, but Halo is a hybrid that uses both ablative and non-ablative technology to minimize the damage to your skin while also customizing the treatment depending on your skin concerns.

As a result, it doesn’t have the same harsh side effects as traditional ablative-only lasers. Plus, it can address a wide range of concerns from deep- to surface-level.

It’s Painful. No Thanks!

The Halo treatment is actually quite comfortable, especially compared to laser treatments of the past. We’ll apply a topical anesthetic for any potential discomfort, and the laser itself has a cooling mechanism that helps reduce the feeling of heat from the laser. Halo is usually described as a mild heat with a tingling sensation. Most patients experience minimal or no discomfort.

Everyone’s Downtime is Equal with Halo:

Downtime varies based on each individual.  Some people may have more or less redness, swelling, peeling, or itching.

Make-up is a No-no:

Not true! There are no restrictions on using make-up 24-hours after your treatment.

Halo is not worth the investment, right?

As a complete skin rejuvenation treatment, it’s hard not to make the case for investing in Halo laser resurfacing. Halo is proven to:

Improve the overall texture and tone of your skin
Remove discoloration
Reduce fine lines
Reduce pore size
Add a healthy glow
Get rid of acne scars
Improve dull skin
Smooth out the wrinkles around your eyes and mouth

And the beauty of the Halo is that you can choose the best number of treatments to meet your skincare goals. You can have just a couple of more intense treatments (and experience slightly more downtime) or spread it out over multiple easier treatments to get the same results over a longer period of time.

You will see continual improvements in your complexion over the course of months and the results will last for years to come.



We Serve

  • Silver Spring
  • Potomac
  • Rockville
  • Washington DC
  • Bethesda
  • Gaithersburg
  • Frederick
  • Hagerstown
  • Arlington
  • Northern Virginia