4 Questions You Have About Botox…Finally Answered

The perfect pout. No forehead wrinkles. And the best cheek structure ever. We’ve all seen the Kim Kay and Kylie Jenner before’s. Do you think they’re thanking good genes for their youthful appearance? Nope… it’s Botox, babes! Okay, well it’s partly Botox paired with a whole lot of filler (more on that in another download from yours truly). 

What the H.E. double hockey sticks is Botox actually? #ithinkiknow #butidont

Let me profess, anytime we say “Botox”, it is not specific to any brand, rather a generic term.  Dysport? Botox? Other brands are out there, but let’s focus on those (since they’re the only ones we use at beBold Aesthetics).  All the brands out there are made from a protein called Botulinum toxin type A (yes, botulism, but don’t be scared… I’ll continue). This little superpower in a syringe causes paralysis of the muscle. Wait what? Yup…paralysis…paralyzed…no movement… holy smokes! What this really means – a reduction of wrinkles. Yay! Not so scary, right. 

Can I Get Botox Basically Everywhere? #allthebotoxplease #nowrinklesanywhere

Sis, let me tell you. We’re hard on ourselves. We see lines and craters everywhere, because well, that’s the mind of a woman (or man!). So, many times patients come in asking for the works – when really, they need just a few key areas. Disclaimer: we don’t just treat forehead without the opposing muscle, the crow’s feet (because trust me, if we did, you would not be happy with the results). What does this mean? Upper face Botox always refers to the forehead, crow’s feet, and frown lines, then the rest is icing on the cake. Let’s connect on the most common, including:

  • Forehead (probably the most common of spots)
  • Frown Lines (glabella, in medical speak) cause let’s face it, 2020 isn’t helping us not perpetuate those frowns. 
  • Bunny Lines (scrunch up your nose – those girlfriends, are bunny lines)
  • Crow’s Feet (no explanation needed)
  • Lips! Yep, the Botox lip flip is where it’s at for defining that upper lip. 
  • Neck Lines 
  • Arm Pits (Are you extra sweaty? Botox’s got you handled)
  • A dozen more spots, but don’t worry – that’s the beauty of consults. You tell me what you don’t like, I tell you how beautiful I think you are, and we go from there!

How Often Do I Need to Come Back? #temporary 

When Botox is injected into a certain muscle, it causes that muscle to relax (not move), therefore, temporarily reducing and/or taking away lines and wrinkles. I bold ‘temporarily’ because, well let’s face it, we need the cold hard truth. Botox generally lasts for about 3 months. But before you hold me to that, listen up! Everyone, and let me spell it out – E.V.E.R.Y.O.N.E- is different. There are sooooo many factors that affect Botox including activity level, age, metabolism, gender, level of stress, etc…- so basically each person’s Botox lasting time is different. Stop comparing to your BFF or sister. You need to accept how your body processes.

So, what you’re saying is, Botox doesn’t keep me wrinkle free for 3 whole months? YES. That’s exactly what I am saying. Like the memories of an old boyfriend, your Botox too will fade. Gradually, muscles will begin to start moving again. The amazing results at 2 weeks will not be the same at 8 weeks. The muscles slowly begin to gain back strength causing more and more movement till guess what…. the wrinkles are back and it’s time to call me again. Ahhhh, the circle of Botox life. 

Got My Tox 8 Weeks Ago… Can I Pop in for a Touch Up? #theanswerisno

I’d love to say yes, but this is a hard no, sis. Touch ups are 2-3 weeks post treatment, not 6-8 weeks. Botox takes a full 14 days to settle in, that’s why touch ups are only preformed between 2-3 weeks after treatment. I have some people ask me for a touch up earlier then 14 days and my answer is always NO. This is because if the Botox doesn’t have time to fully set in, adding any additional Botox can cause an “Ohhhh sh*t” effect. I’m talking dropped brows, eyelid droop, and, let’s just stop there. I say no so that this doesn’t happen. More often than not, after 14 days, the touch up isn’t even necessary.  Remember patience is a virtue. The moral of this story is when wrinkles or movement start to come back at 8 weeks, guess what? That is totally normal.

I didn’t go into depth on the different brands (or my personal preference) or how many units to expect to get, because that my friends, is a topic for another day (same for filler).

Remember, be you. be unique, beBold. 

5-Star Rated

Botox, Fillers, Microneedling, and Skin Care Consults and Services