What is Latisse?

Ok so this is the first FDA approved prescription medication to help grow eye lashes thicker, fuller, longer and darker. This medication is a lipid compound that contains bimatoprost and originally was a medication used to treat glaucoma. Cosmetically this is now used for enhancing eye lashes. There have been many clinical trials that prove that Latisse works.

How and when do I use Latisse?

Latisse is used at night. You apply the medication to the top of the eye lash line only (not on the bottom, only top).

When Do I see results?

So here is the deal- Like anything great in life things take time. It takes 2 months for the lashes to begin to thicken and about three -four months to see the full results. Disclaimer this is if you religiously use every night. Then at three- four months the lases will look amazing.

If I stop using Latisse what happens?

So, it will take a few months and your lashes will go back to normal. Nothing bad happens just the enhancement we have gained will go away over time. The main thing to know is that last extensions hurt eye lashes whereas this is a safe, clinically proven way to help enhance eye lashes with no downside.

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