But what is Broad Band Light technology anyway? The short answer….. It is amazing.
Broad Band Light (BBL) is the most powerful Intense Pulsed Light available and is the new industry standard in treating skin conditions.
Need a solution for acne issues that doesn’t involve drugs, slathering on tons of creams, or require any downtime? FOREVER CLEAR BBL has got it covered.
Need to ditch the razor and painful waxing sessions? FOREVER BARE BBL is the way.
Troubled by age spots, rosacea, small vascular veins, or hyperpigmentation? FOREVER YOUNG BBL to the rescue!
Sounds great, right? So what are these treatments really about? Let’s dig in….

FOREVER CLEAR BBL uses IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) to treat acne…think day at the spa here, not uncomfortable or painful procedures. This method delivers the light energy deep into your skin with three effective steps. Safe for many skin types, Forever Clear BBL is a cutting edge acne treatment.
Step one-blue BBL, to eliminate that acne causing bacteria right at the source!
Step two-yellow BBL, to reduce inflammation and that all too familiar redness of the skin we all want to get rid of!
Step three-(this one is an added benefit, a bonus step!) In this step, infra-red light initiates the body’s natural healing response.
FOREVER CLEAR BBL is a great option for adults and teens looking for a typically quick and easy, FDA-cleared, non-invasive answer to a very troubling issue. Read on for a few commonly asked questions and answers.
What areas of the body can be treated? Most areas of the body can be treated, the most common areas include face, neck and back.
How long does it take? Smaller treatment areas can take as little as 15 minutes. Change in appearance can be expected even in just one treatment, however, treatment time and total number of visits vary from patient to patient.
What can I expect after treatment? You may experience some redness which lasts only a few hours. Depending on the treatment area, an aftercare plan will be discussed with more specifics including avoiding direct sun exposure and using sunscreen.
What is my recovery time? Typically, no downtime and most patients can wear make-up and resume normal activities if they choose.

FOREVER BARE BBL is the cutting-edge laser hair removal system. It is safer, faster and more comfortable than other traditional methods. With no downtime and no harm to the surrounding tissue, this procedure is the answer to kissing those razors and waxing treatments goodbye! Any area of the body can be treated.
FOREVER BARE BBL removes hair from large sections of the skin in minimal time allowing for a larger area to be treated in less than half the time along with a more precise delivery to smaller areas. FOREVER BARE’S smoothness adapter softens the applicator’s edges for a more comfortable treatment while moving against the skin.
How many treatments do I need? Most areas require 3-5 treatments at 4-6 week intervals.
What happens during treatment? A clear gel is applied and the BBL energy is delivered with a cooled applicator. There is minimal to no discomfort though some patients experience a warm or stinging sensation in the treatment area. Personal sensitivity varies from patient to patient.
What happens after treatment? There may be some redness immediately after treatment. A few days to a week post-treatment you may experience some regrowth of hairs but this is mostly the shedding as a result of the treatment and not actual regrowth.

FOREVER YOUNG BBL– Think photofacial. The light energy reaches deep into the skin to correct the real culprits. The IPL treats age spots, rosacea, small vascular veins, and hyperpigmentation. This is a corrective process that leaves the skin visibly clearer, smoother and vibrant! Through three treatments (each one month apart) cell regeneration is stimulated.
Unlike creams or lotions, the light can penetrate the skin’s surface boosting the body’s ability to actually keep fighting the appearance of aging! It is the gift that keeps on giving! Below are a few answers to some common questions I get about FOREVER YOUNG BBL in Silver Spring, MD.
What areas of the body can be treated? Most areas of the body can be treated, the most common areas include face, neck and back of the hands, chest and shoulders.
How many treatments do I need? Number of treatments vary from patient to patient depending on the level of improvement desired. Your treated skin will feel smoother, pores will be less noticeable, sunspots and uneven pigmentation will fade.
What happens during treatment? You will feel a quick, warm sensation as the light is absorbed by the targeted areas.
What happens after treatment? Typically, no downtime and most patients can wear make-up and resume normal activities if they choose. You may experience some redness which lasts only a few hours. Depending on the treatment area, an aftercare plan will be discussed with more specifics including avoiding direct sun exposure and using sunscreen.
Just a reminder…if you’re looking for a treatment that packs an extra punch, we also offer the HALO treatments in our office! Much like the above Forever Young BBL, the HALO is a deeper treatment used to target wrinkles, discoloration, sun damage, aging, enlarged pores, and laxity of skin. Given the deeper treatment, there are more anti-aging results associated with the HALO laser and a bit of downtime is expected.
BeUnique. BeYOU. BeBold.
The only thing greater than these BBL/HALO treatments are the amazing and limited BBL and HALO laser treatment packages we are offering in Silver Spring, Maryland!
Don’t delay, zap those spots, hairs and acne away!
As always, contact us today for a quick consultation!
***Important note – The above treatments are contraindicated for patients with keloids, HIV, Hep-C, long standing steroid use, pregnant or breast-feeding, or those who have taken Accutane in the past year***